OurBetterPlanet aims to inspire conversations around the significance of Earth Week not only now when its celebrated but always. Its important to have a clear vision and work towards it, take one step at a time and create awareness maybe just by bringing people together for an activity as simple as planting trees or to kickstart a conversation around water wastage.

Whatever you choose to do, its important to be consistent, because then only can we really see a change, its also important to take the family along, in fact the new generation needs to be the most aware so that they can preserve what we so passionately are fighting to protect!

With that aim we would love to involve children this Earth's day in sharing their ideas around the concept and helping us figure how we can make this journey easier and fun for them! We call all the kids between the ages of 8-15 years to participate in this Doodle contest which will eventually become a banner on our platform. Ideally we would encourage the parents to go through some reading material about Earth Day with their kids so that they understand the significance and then let them create a doodle with whatever inspires them.

Do email it to us on before the end of this week, can't wait to see it!

Doodle by a 9 year old! her World is broken into two halves, the good half which is the ideal world and the bad half which she would love to change!
April 19, 2021 — Our Better Planet

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