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Create an eco-friendly house, with OBP’s eco-essentials for the green home. From fabric softeners  to cleaners, we have it all.

Q1. Why should I switch to OBP’s eco-essentials for the home?

A1. OBP’s eco-essentials for the home are good for the planet and introduce fewer toxins in your house.

Q2. Why is it important to have an eco-friendly home?

A2. Charity begins at home and so do sustainable habits. Building an eco-friendly household helps us remember sustainability at every step of our life as much as possible.

Q3. Are the products in this collection durable and long-lasting?

A3. Sustainable products are meant to be as durable and as long-lasting as possible to keep the resources used to make them in circulation for a longer time. Thus, yes, we can say that these products are made to be durable.

Q4. How can I incorporate eco-friendly home essentials into my daily routine?

A4. The same way you would incorporate unsustainable home essentials. When your traditional essential runs out, replace it with a sustainable product and viola! You have made the switch to a more planet-friendly lifestyle.

Q5. Are these products suitable for all types of homes and living spaces?

A5. While we at Our Better Planet have tried to create a collection that is suitable for all types of home and living spaces, the reality is that only you will know whether eco-home products are suited to your home and lifestyle.