Hygiene is not just self-care, it is also social. BO affects everyone after all. OBP brings to you feminine hygiene products from  brushes to menstrual cups that are sustainable and healthy. Get yours today.

Q1. Are the eco-friendly health and hygiene products cruelty-free?

A1. OBP does have vegan hygiene products for those interested in the same.

Q2. Are these eco-health and hygiene products ethically produced?

A2. Yes, we at Our Better Planet try and ensure that all our products, including out eco-health and hygiene products are ethically produced at every stage of the production process. Happy sustainable shopping.

Q3. How can I determine if a specific product in this collection is suitable for my needs?

A3. This collection of sustainable health and hygiene products, contains everything from bamboo toothbrushes needed for oral care to menstrual cups needed by people with uteruses. Thus, a blanket statement is difficult to make as every item serves a different need. What we can say though, is that you need to look at your needs, lifestyle, budget and then compare them with product descriptions. This will go a long way in helping you find products suited to your needs. Happy sustainable shopping.

Q4. How long do these eco-friendly health and hygiene products typically last?

A4. Our Better Planet’s carefully curated collection of sustainable health and hygiene products, contains everything from eco-mouth washes needed for oral care to cloth pads needed by people with uteruses. Thus, a blanket statement is difficult to make as every item serves a different need. However, you can check the product descriptions to see how long a product lasts. Usually, we try to find products that are long-lasting or at least last as long as conventional alternatives.