Want to replace your cotton printed kurta with something more eco-friendly? Try linen kurtas for men. We carry printed kurtas for men, women, and enbies who like dressing masc in organic cotton, linen and hemp. Grab yours today.

Q1. Are cotton kurtas eco-friendly?

A1. All the printed kurtas, whether linen or hemp or cotton, that Our Better Planet carries are eco-friendly. While cotton isn’t the most sustainable crop, it is better than most alternatives, perhaps barring hemp and linen. Grab your linen kurta today at Our Better Planet.

Q2. Can anyone wear these kurtas?

A2. While these are marketed as traditional linen and cotton kurtas for men, anyone of anyone can wear these kurtas if it fits their style!

Q3. Why should I choose sustainable kurta?

A3. Switching to a sustainable kurta will be a move made in favour of the planet and people. You will be choosing to stand against non-biodegradable fabrics, waste, and taking a stand for fair and ethical wages.

Q4. Are the materials used in these kurtas eco-friendly?

A4. Yes, the kurtas are made of cotton which is eco-friendly, natural, and biodegradable. While conventional cotton is water-intensive, it is better than synthetic plastic-based fabrics which contribute to waste and do not biodegrade.

Q5. Are there traditional and modern styles available?

A5. Yes, both traditional and modern styles are available in Our Better Planet’s sustainable kurta collection. Happy shopping!