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DIY kits can help kids develop fine motor skills and be an entertaining way to pass the time. Yet, why should we expose our kids  to harmful chemicals and toxins when there are less harsh and eco-friendly options available? Get earth-friendly DIY activities for kids to enjoy at OBP today.

Q1. How can OBP’s sustainable DIY kits for kids help my child?

A1. DIY kids’ kits help children develop fine motor skills, pass the time, and learn skills like object permanence and drawing.  

Q2. Why should I switch to sustainable arts and crafts for kids?

A. Plastic products leech microplastics which are bad for human health. Eco-friendly kids' activity kits help children pass the time and develop fine motor skills without exposing them to such substances. 

Q3. Can the kits be used for educational purposes?

A3. Yes. These sustainable activity and DIY kits for kids can be used for educational purposes, especially for teaching motor skills and sustainable values.

Q4. What are sustainable activity DIY kits?

A4. Sustainable DIY activity kits are activity kits made of eco-friendly and ethical materials which help engage kids with activities which promote imagination and or or play.

Q5. Are the materials used in these kits environmentally friendly?

A5. Yes, we at Our Better Plant have tried our best to ensure that the materials used in these sustainable activity kits are as eco-friendly as possible.