Created by a group of nature-loving friends in early 2018, Tenacious Bee Collective is a passion-driven initiative with a mission to bring raw, unpasteurised Himalayan honey to honey lovers everywhere; while simultaneously working with scientists, apiarists, beekeepers and farmers to revive the dwindling bee population in Himachal Pradesh.
In recent years, the century-long traditional practices of beekeeping and honey gathering in Himachal Pradesh have faced ever-increasing challenges. The widespread use of pesticides in the state, coupled with the low minimum support price given to bee-keepers for their produce, has led to a sharp decline in both the population of bees, and the number of beekeepers pursuing the profession within the state. Tenacious Bee Collective addresses these twin problems at a grass-root level, beginning with the community, by developing a sustainable Eco-system of Knowledge, Innovation, Production, and Creativity around Bees and the indispensable value they bring to our ecology and environment.