Organic Green Tea for a Healthier Brew
They say that if you replace your morning coffee or tea with water you could lose 80% of the little joy you have left in this life. But what if you want to be healthier? Without giving up coffee? Try our balanced diet coffee. Become a tea guru and buy organic tea of different flavours online at Our Better Planet.
Q1. Why should I buy tea online at Our Better Planet?
A1. From several varieties of tea, all of which are organic and healthy, to special combos that you can design yourself, Our Better Planet’s tea collection will not disappoint. This is why you should buy tea online at Our Better Planet.
Q2. What are the benefits of organic green tea?
A2. Green tea carries a lot of health benefits, which some say include boosting heart health and improving brain function. While it is advised to check with your doctor before adding it to a daily part of your diet, organic green tea can be a healthy beverage in a pinch. Buy organic green online at Our Better Planet.
Q3. Are the packaging materials used in this collection recyclable or biodegradable?
A3. We have tried our best to get eco-friendly packaging for the sustainable teas and coffees in this collection.
Q4. Are the tea and coffee products in this collection organic?
A4. We do have organic tea and coffee in this collection. To remove non-organic products from your window, you can use the filtering system located on the left side of your desktop screen.
Q5. What makes these tea and coffee products eco-friendly?
A5. The team at Our Better Planet has taken the time to try and find ethically sourced tea and coffee made of natural and or or organic raw matter for your health and sustainable living benefits. Being natural and organic makes these teas and coffee eco-friendly. Happy shopping!